Our Story

It started with simple idea

In a single day, LuxeVista visitors may cook over a bonfire, partake in a natural wine tasting, skip rocks, and have dessert in bed.

These days, LuxeVista is so much more than just Airstreams. With nine locations close to some of the most well-known tourist attractions in the nation, it can accommodate groups of all kinds. From the Catskills to Zion and Yosemite to Asheville, we continue to combine the classic outdoor experience with boutique hotel service and forward-thinking architecture. We've gone so far as to launch our sister brand, Field Station, which is an inside hotel and basecamp for van living that increases accessibility to LuxeVista's renowned hospitality.

Our philosophy

In a single day, LuxeVista visitors may cook over a bonfire, partake in a natural wine tasting, skip rocks, and have dessert in bed.


Our history

In a single day, LuxeVista visitors may cook over a bonfire, partake in a natural wine tasting, skip rocks, and have dessert in bed. These days, LuxeVista is so much more than just Airstreams. With nine locations close to some of the most well-known tourist attractions in the nation, it can accommodate groups of all kinds. From the Catskills to Zion and Yosemite to Asheville.


Bespoke Airstreams

Modern conveniences blend seamlessly with the finest elements of mid-century style in every aspect of the Luxevista experience. bespoke Airstreams and fine dining.


Culinary Delights

Modern conveniences blend seamlessly with the finest elements of mid-century style in every aspect of the Luxevista experience. bespoke Airstreams and fine dining.


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